Saturday 14 May 2016

Beyond the Screen

A few months ago, I started uploading my letters to a blog, and I’ve been promoting it ever since. The best part about being engaged in promoting it was, I came across a lot of opinions from people all over the world. I came across several blogs and communities and discovered that there were thousands of blogs and each had a new perspective. It was overwhelming to know that there were so many people out there who embraced the power of words with such fierce passion and that they still cared to voice their opinions.

There were still those who made the effort of discovering strange and distant minds...and all through the platform of the revolutionizing internet. Its simply magic. A person from a certain region gets to be inside the deepest caves of a mind sitting far far away looking at a whole new world through a little screen. Its a brilliant platform where only the minds interact, keeping our physical selves aside for a while.

I’m a believer of the theory that the core of our souls rest in our in a dramatic sense, this makes the web an interface for interface for the inner being which rests within our mind...irrespective of how we look, speak or walk.

Its nothing short of magic.

Perhaps we are finally getting used to decoding and using the magic that surround all of us every moment...and very very soon there will be life-changing revelations about this world.

We humans have a very powerful mind and more we come to know of it, the more we respect and fear it. We hear, see, feel and think with our minds, and every differing opinion and perception we have, has its root in the mind. We think and act differently just because our brains are structured differently and its this difference which makes the human race as bright as it is this difference which we are so eager to voice...and we have successfully discovered millions of ways to do the same, one of the ways being the Web.

Ranging from videos, social media and music to blogs, apps and e-books...people have come to know of the power and ecstasy the internet can provide them. People have found a pleasure in going “viral” and the initial goal has evolved from 'expressing views' to 'expressing views and making it popular'.

Its a different world out there...inside the screen. Sitting behind one, we no longer need to hide, which of course makes the expression of self much more easy and smooth. Its a whole new world which promises a very unexpected future. I'm glad that this world gave me a wide range of opportunities and pulled me out of the cocoon I once was so comfortable in.

Date: 26th May, 2015
Time: 11:45 AM

Image courtesy:


  1. #$$ outlook technical support number @ 1 855 338 0710

  2. Samadrita,
    I would like to share some of my views which came to my mind while reading the above paragraphs. Social media and the world wide web are a lifeline for people who are introvert, depressed or have not been accepted by the community they belong to and are neglected. These people get a platform to communicate their ideas with others and also get some mental peace interacting with others. In social media people with inferiority complex try to establish themselves socially and also try to communicate in different ways that they do exist. So, it is not only a place for sharing things its the only world for many people. Anyways well written.
